Mobilno bankarstvo je namjenjeno klijentima Banke, fizičkim licima, koji imaju otvoren tekući račun u Banci. Usluga omogućava obavljanje finansijskih transakcija, upravljanje sredstvima i pregled stanja računa putem Vašeg mobilnog uređaja (mobitel) i istovremeno pruža:
Jednostavnost – uz mobilni uređaj i pristup Internetu, na jednostavan način, obavit ćete sve željene poslove
Dostupnost – mogućnost obavljanja finansijskih transakcija u svakom trenutku bez odlaska u poslovnicu Banke
Sigurnost - maksimalna sigurnost i diskrecija uz primjenu najsavremenijih sigurnosnih tehnologija
Nezavisnost - korištenje usluge na Vašem mobilnom uređaju gdje god je omogućen pristup Internetu
Uštedu na vremenu – bez čekanja u redovima na bankovnim šalterima, 24 sata na dan
Uštedu u novcu - uz povoljnije naknade za obavljanje finansijskih transakcija
Kontrola – samostalno, u svakom trenutku, imate brz i jednostavan pristup Vašim računima
Usluga mobilnog bankarstva Vam omogućava obavljanje finansijskih transakcija od kojih posebno izdavajamo mogućnost uplate rate kredita i uplate obaveza po kreditnim karticama, te pregled stanja i upravljanje sredstvima na svim računima otvorenim u ASA Banka d.d. Sarajevo:
• Uvid u stanje i pregled promjena po tekućem računu
• Uvid u stanje i pregled promjena po štednim a'vista računima
• Uvid u stanje i pregled promjena po žiro računima
• Uvid u stanje oročenih depozita u Banci
• Uvid u stanja i promete, te uplate po kreditnim partijama
• Uvid u stanja i promete, te uplate po platnim karticama
• Pregled izvršenih naloga i njihove strukture
• Davanje i izvršenje naloga platnog prometa u korist primaoca unutar Banke
• Davanje i izvršenje naloga platnog prometa u korist primaoca čiji se račun nalazi van Banke
• Davanje naloga ranije ili na datum izvršenja
• Pregled izvoda po računima za željeni period
• Kupovina, prodaja i konverzija deviza po povoljnijim uslovima
Pored klasičnih finansijskih platnih i preglednih transakcija, m-banking nudi i niz korisnih funkcija kao što su:
• Uvid u važeću kursnu/tečajnu listu
• Pregled lokacija poslovnica i bankomata, brojevi telefona, e-mail adrese, web stranica
• Obavještenja o novostima u poslovanju Banke (novi proizvodi, usluge i sl.)
Mobile banking is intended for clients of the Bank, to individuals, who have a current account with the Bank. The service allows financial transactions, asset management and review account balances via your mobile phone (cell phone) and at the same time provides:
Simplicity - with the mobile device and access to the Internet, in a simple way, you will do all the required tasks
Availability - the ability to conduct financial transactions at any time without going to a branch of the Bank
Safety - maximum security and discretion using the latest security technology
Independence - use the service on your mobile device wherever you have access to the Internet
Save time - no waiting in queues at bank counters, 24 hours a day
Saving money - and at more favorable fees for financial transactions
Control - individually, at any time, you have quick and easy access to your accounts
Mobile banking service allows financial transactions of which in particular the issuance of option payments of loan installments and payment obligations under credit cards, and review of the status and management of the funds on all accounts opened in ASA Bank dd Sarajevo:
• Insight into and an overview of changes in the current account
• Insight into the situation and review the changes by saving sight accounts
• Insight into and review changes to giro accounts
• Insight into time deposits with the Bank
• Insight into the status and transactions, and payments by credit parties
• Insight into the status and transactions, and payments by credit cards
• Review of executed orders and their structure
• Provision and execution of payment orders in favor of the addressee within the Bank
• Provision and execution of payment orders in favor of the recipient whose account is outside the Bank
• Giving the task before or on the date of execution
• Review account statements for the desired period
• Buying, selling and conversion of foreign currency at favorable terms
In addition to traditional financial payment and transparent transactions, m-banking offers a range of useful functions such as:
• Insight into current exchange rates / exchange rates
• Review the location of branches and ATMs, telephone numbers, e-mail address, website
• Notification of updates in the Bank (new products, services and the like.)